Republic Local Groups
Want to get involved with Republic on a local level? Republic supports a network of autonomous local groups around the UK, each assisted by key volunteers called Ambassadors.
These local groups are organised and run by Republic members like you. Together they put on protests, leafleting sessions, run their own localised anti-monarchy campaigns and much more! Find your nearest campaign below.
Get in touch with [email protected] for more information and support for local groups and to enquire about being an ambassador.
Resources for Local Groups
Below you can find resources for Local Groups, including protest packs and street stall resources.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch with [email protected].
Activism Community
Republic also has an Activist Community on WhatsApp, where members from across the UK can find out more about our activist events on the announcement channel and get involved in Republic's Community Outreach groups.
Activist Principles and Values
Republic activists working in aid of Republic are expected to volunteer within our Activist Principles and Values, which you can read below.