About Republic

Republic campaigns for the abolition of the monarchy and its replacement with a directly elected head of state.

Our mission statement is simply put:

"To achieve the abolition of the British monarchy in favour of a democratic republic."

We represent a growing section of society - about a third of the country - who want a more democratic Britain. Republic brings the case for a republic to a wider audience while challenging the actions of the royal household. We are strictly non-party political and have a growing membership and over 140,000 registered supporters.

Republic is committed to running a professional and energetic campaign underpinned by a set of core principles.  We are an inclusive movement, with members and supporters from across the political spectrum and from a diverse range of backgrounds and governed by a board drawn from the membership.

How Republic Is Run

Republic is run by the campaign team, made up of staff and volunteers and led by the CEO, who reports to the board of directors.

The board meets every three months and is responsible for setting the broad strategic direction of the organisation, scrutinising the campaign work carried out by staff and volunteers and looking after issues of financial management and governance.

Directors are either elected at an AGM or co-opted by the existing board.  Meet the team

Republic's constitution

Republic is formally made up of two organisations.  Republic Campaign Ltd is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee operating under the name 'Republic'.  The company is registered with Companies House and it is the company that runs the campaign, employs staff and so on.  Republic Campaign Association is an unincorporated association.  Members of Republic are members of the association.  

The executive committee of the association and the board of the company consist of exactly the same people.  To be a member of the board you must be elected to the executive of the association.

View the Articles of Association of Republic Campaign Ltd

View the Constitution of Republic Campaign Association

Republic Campaign Ltd is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee operating under the name 'Republic'. Republic is a democratic organisation.

Registered Number: 05891072.

Registered Address: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU.

No staff, volunteers, members or Directors reside or work at the registered company address.