Chuck is a fifteen foot fully mobile Tyrannosaurus rex. He represents the monarchy as a dinosaur, a relic of a bygone age and a fossil that belongs in the museum.
Chuck the Rex will be turning up at events, protests and festivals. Keep an eye out for where he'll be and follow Chuck on Twitter for all the latest updates.
Unlike Charles, Chuck knows he's out of place and out of time. He wants to get out and about and have a roaring time highlighting the need for a modern, democratic alternative to the monarchy.
Chuck was created in 2024 by the People's Prop Department. He was first seen out in the wild on Trafalgar Square for Republic Day 2024 and again at Reading Pride.
You can catch up with Chuck at Republic Day 2025 - again on Trafalgar Square - and at other events and protests to be announced.
Want to help bring Chuck the Rex to life?
Get involved as a volunteer helping to build and assemble Chuck at various events around the country by signing up here.
Chuck was created by
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