A YouGov poll, carried out on Monday and Tuesday this week, shows just 45% prefer the monarchy over an elected head of state, which is only 14 points behind, on 31%.

This is the first time YouGov has asked this question, but comes a week after a similar Savanta poll put the monarchy on 48%.

As with last week's Savanta poll there are a growing number of 'Don't knows' (YouGov: 24%), underlining the need for greater public debate and better informed coverage from the BBC and other broadcasters.

Speaking for campaign group Republic, who commissioned the poll, Graham Smith said today:

"Clearly the spell is broken, the public are rapidly losing interest in the royals and support for the monarchy is collapsing year on year. While this poll is a one-off snapshot, the pattern across polls suggests support for the monarchy is collapsing."

"This poll supports the Savanta poll we commissioned last week, which put the monarchy on 48%."

"The monarchy no longer commands the support of the British people. It's time it went, it's time for that serious public debate about the democratic alternative."

"To broadcasters and the wider media, we need to have that informed debate, where people can make a clearer choice. To our politicians, the monarchy is no longer a settled issue. Now is the time the institution must face scrutiny and accountability."

"That democratic alternative, far from being unknown and untested, is common across Europe. A parliamentary democracy similar to what we have today, but transformed into a political system that is principled, genuinely democratic throughout, transparent and accountable."

"It is a system that in places like Ireland, Iceland, Germany and Finland has provided not only stable and effective government, but also some exceptional and inspiring heads of state."

"Yet this isn't about importing ideas from abroad, but about learning from Britain's own political experience and traditions and creating a republic we all have a stake in."

"The country desperately needs to renew our democratic institutions, this is a good place to start."


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,089 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 15th - 16th January 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).