The latest finance report from the royal family is a stark reminder that the Sovereign Grant must be scrapped. That's according to campaign group Republic.
The group has said the grant fails to reflect the true £345m annual cost of the monarchy, gives poor value for money for taxpayers and is designed to keep going up, regardless of what the royals actually need.
Speaking for Republic today, Graham Smith said:
"The grant goes up and up every year, and can never go down. This is madness and the system must be scrapped."
"Public money should be allocated according to need, not just thrown at the royals because of what they want."
"These figures don’t disclose the daily abuse of money on shorter trips around the country, taking helicopters when they could go by car, driving when they could go by train."
"A 15% increase in travel costs when hospitals can’t deliver the very best care to every person in need, when teachers are struggling to pay for the necessary books and equipment and the police are stretched to breaking point is scandalous."
"Why is the government paying for Prince Andrew to go to golfing tournaments, or Princses Anne to attend a rugby match in Italy?"
"The figures also ignore security, revenue lost from the two Duchies, costs met by local councils and much more. Add those figures in and £345m is much closer to the truth."
"This is an abuse of public money far worse than the MPs' expenses scandal and it has to stop."
Republic's Royal Finances Report puts the estimated annual cost of the monarchy at £345m. The report can be found at
Republic's Royal Finances Report puts the estimated annual cost of the monarchy at £345m. The report can be found at
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