On Saturday June 25 Republic will be staging a protest outside Buckingham palace to challenge the continuing scandal of royal spending, despite the Royal Parks agency banning the demo.

Staff at the agency have refused to give the protest their formal permission, which is required under royal parks by-laws, citing "operational" problems and the impact on tourists in the area as reasons for the ban.

In a last-minute meeting with Republic representatives this week royal parks chief executive Mark Camley said the only site the agency was prepared to authorise is the Duke of York's Steps, almost a kilometre away from the Palace.

Camley refused to provide a full explanation of the ban other than citing their policy and unspecified concerns over operational practicalities.

Write to the Royal Parks CEO

You can lodge a complaint to Mark Camley, CEO of Royal Parks, by sending him an email to [email protected].

Keep the complain brief, polite and to the point. Things to include:

You can ask for a clear explanation as to why he thinks it is appropriate to ban demonstrations outside the headquarters of our head of state;

Make it clear that as a republican you believe you have the right to protest outside the palace, not 1km away at the other end of the Mall;

Point out that as demonstrations have been held there previously without any issues of public order or obstruction it is clearly practically possible to allow protests;

Ask that he immediately reviews this policy and engages in constructive dialogue with Republic and other interested parties;

Inform Mark Camley that you will be writing to your MP to lodge your objections to this policy;

You can write to your MP using the simple form at www.writetothem.com.

The protest is still on!

And don't forget, the protest is still on! The police have indicated they see no particular problem with the protest going ahead and have previously allowed our protests to be staged outside the palace. For more details visit republic.org.uk/protest