When May 06, 2023 at 7:00pm 2 hrs
Where Newington Green Meeting House, 39A Newington Green, London, England, N16 9PR

Tickets and more information at: https://www.ngmeeting.house/events/newington-greens-alternative-coronation-day-community-party

NGMH is one of the oldest hotbeds of political radicalism in London. It was founded back in the 18th century by Dissenters, who were barred from the established church headed by the monarch.

If the pomp and circumstance of Coronation Day street parties and rolling TV coverage doesn't take your fancy, why not instead come down to this historic home of radicalism for a Saturday evening of camaraderie and fun with neighbours and friends? Whether you're a republican, a monarchist or you don't have a view, you're more than welcome to join us to raise a toast to the community, solidarity and radical spirit that led the author Alex Allardyce to describe Newington Green as the "village that changed the world".

Join us to discover the fascinating history – and present – behind our doors. Doors will open at 7pm for some performances followed by a chance to chat, get some free food, buy a drink and explore the building, drop in and leave as you like, and bring your tolerance and friendliness so we can share the spirit of the evening. There'll be free food, a bar, a playlist of radical and republican tunes from across the centuries, a stall for some finely-selected revolutionary merch, a chance to see our latest exhibition, a photo-montage throwback to Hackney's history of resistance, a selfguided audio tour of the building, and much more.

Can't be there? Support Republic events with a donation.