When May 06, 2023 at 11:00am 4 hrs
Where Grey's Monument, Grainger Street, Newcastle upon Tyne

Now is the time all Republicans must stand up for what we believe. As an alternative to protesting in London, Republic supporters will be holding a rally in Newcastle upon Tyne at Grey's Monument from 11 am on the 6th of May.

Let's make it clear, we are not a nation of royalists, there is a democratic alternative. Join us and make this a rally they can't ignore!
Please watch this video inviting you to attend by clicking the link below:

Republic North East Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1351936768887720

Republic North East WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/J8t984Gi9v32xblBJ3zDVj

Can't be there? Support Republic events with a donation.