Anti-monarchy campaigners have called for a full parliamentary inquiry into royal spending after the release of this year's finance report.

The official report, which ignores most of the £345m annual costs, shows the core grant increasing by £3.6m.  Spending on travel for Prince Charles has jumped by a third to £1.33m.

Meanwhile the taxpayer has been hit with a £2.4m bill to create a new home for Harry and Meghan in Frogmore Cottage.

Graham Smith, speaking for Republic, said today:

"The dishonest spin about what this costs each taxpayer has to stop.  We now need a full inquiry into this blatant misuse of public money."

“When MPs were caught abusing their expenses ten years ago there was an outcry. Now is the time to be outraged by royal expenses."

"How can Prince Charles justify £417,000 for a brief visit to Cuba?  Why are we still spending thousands of pounds for Prince Andrew's travel?  Why are the Windsors still using the family train at £20,000 per trip?

”This year's increases are outrageous at a time of widespread spending cuts. But this is just one detail in a littany of scandal."

”Republic has calculated the true annual cost at £345m, set out in our own Royal Finances report.  That includes lost revenue from the Duchies, security and huge costs met by local councils."

”If even one school or hospital is facing cuts we cannot justify spending a penny on the royals.  Yet with all public services under intense financial pressure we throw £2.4m at a new house for Harry.  This is corruption being hidden in plain sight."