Campaigners have called on ITV to look again at broadcasting the planned "A Right Royal Quiz" on December 31st.


The show has been labelled: "a celebratory and affectionate look at the Royals and the country's obsession with them" and sees "two Royal-loving celebrity teams battle it out to win the prize."


Details of the programme are on the ITV website at


Graham Smith, Republic's CEO, said today:


"I will be writing to ITV to challenge their decision to broadcast what is effectively royal propaganda.  This programme appears in breach of the letter of the law and certainly goes agaisnt the spirit of impartiality rules."


"Having a quiz about the royals is fine, but it cannot be celebratory and one-sided.  The monarchy is a contested political institution and falls well within broadcasters' obligations on impartiality relating to current public policy and controversy."


"The whole premise of the show is promotional of the royal brand, even repeating the nonsense claim that the country is obsessed with royalty."  


"The monarchy is part of Britain's constitution, the royals are public servants who face accusations of abuse of public funds and privilege.  Only recently they have been accused of conflicts of interest and unethical investments."


"It cannot be right that a national broadcaster produces a programme that is so obviously promotional - this panel show concept could have come straight from the palace press team."


"There are plenty of great comedians who could have been included, who would take a more challenging approach to the royals.  Yet this programme has deliberately set out to celebrate and promote the royals."


"ITV should drop this show from its schedule and re-think it's approach to dealing with the royals, whether through comedy, drama or news."