Anti-monarchy campaign Republic will be celebrating Barbados becoming a republic on Tuesday, knowing that it will provoke more debate about the future of the monarchy in the UK.

The move by Barbados is also likely to trigger calls for other Commonwealth countries to ditch the monarchy.

Graham Smith, speaking for Republic, said today:

"A huge congratulations to Barbados for this historic moment in their nation's story. Barbados isn't just doing themselves a favour, but are showing the way for the other fifteen Commonwealth realms."

"We're already hearing that Jamaica's government wants a review of their constitution next year, and the movement in Australia is again picking up momentum."

"Barbados answers one of the most common questions we hear: what's the alternative? The alternative is simple, a parliamentary system with a largely ceremonial head of state."

"Barbados has also shown how simple it is to change a constitution, and how smooth the transition can be."

"The Queen is the monarchy for most people. After she dies the future of the institution is in serious jeopardy. Charles may inherit the throne, but he won't inherit the deference and respect afforded the Queen."

"The transition in Barbados has also triggered calls for slavery reparations and an apology from the royals for their family's part in the slave trade. Those calls aren't going away and there's no way the royals come out of that debate without significant damage to their reputation."

"The more debate about the monarchy the better as far as we're concerned here in the UK. Because the more people take a closer look the more they start looking for a democratic alternative."