Responding to today's swearing in of Jeremy Corbyn to the Privy Council, campaign group Republic has called for the body to be abolished.

The Privy Council, contrary to many reports, is not largely ceremonial but a very important yet undemocratic part of the constitution.

Republic has previously called on Mr Corbyn to use the opportunity of his appointment to press the case for abolition.

The campaign's CEO Graham Smith said today:

"Government ministers can make laws and decisions through the Privy Council that lack any proper parliamentary scrutiny.  It is a body that has no place in a democratic system."

"The symbolism is of course all wrong, no elected official - no citizen - should bend a knee to a monarch.  But the serious issue is the power the Privy Council gives the government."

"Decisions made in the council should instead be made either directly by ministers or in parliament, so that MPs can properly hold decision makers to account."

"While it is understanable that Jeremy Corbyn might choose the path of least resistance, I hope that his experience as a member of the Privy Council will convince him to advocate its abolition."