A new Savanta poll shows peoples’ preference for having a monarchy in the UK has fallen to just 48%. When asked "What would you prefer for the UK, a monarchy or an elected head of state?" a third (32%) said they would prefer an elected head of state.

The poll shows the monarchy is rapidly losing support, with fewer than half in all age groups under 55 preferring the royals.

A high percentage of 'Don't Knows' suggests an urgent need for a serious and open debate about the alternatives.

Speaking for Republic, who commissioned the poll, Graham Smith said today:

"This is huge. Royalists have spent years saying the monarchy has the support of the country. That's clearly no longer the case."

"The monarchy is suffering a calamitous loss of support, yet one in five aren't yet sure about the alternative. We desperately need a better informed, more robust and higher profile debate about what it means to abolish the monarchy."

"The same poll carried out in late November showed just 52% preferred the monarchy, and in just six weeks they've dropped four points."

"The monarchy relies on a fake mandate built on polling numbers, yet that argument no longer stands up."

"Andrew has clearly done significant damage to the monarchy, but Charles is the one responsible. He has been behind decisions on how to mis-manage the scandal, and how to respond to Harry and Meghan. This is the result."

"The monarchy is on borrowed time. Britain will be a republic."

Methodology: Savanta interviewed 2,281 UK adults aged 18+ online between 5th and 8th January 2024. Data were weighted to be representative of the UK by age, sex, region, and social grade.