Labour for a Republic is hosting a fringe event on Monday, 9th October. Republic's CEO Graham Smith will be there, along with Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Professor Hakim Adi.

"Slavery, Colonialism and the Monarchy" will address the legacy of monarchy and empire, including growing demands for reparations for Caribbean nations.

In recent weeks reparations campaigners have said they will address their demands directly to the royal family. The king inherited hundreds of millions of pounds last year, much of which would have been passed down the generations from a time when royals were heavily invested in slavery.

Graham Smith said today:

"It's vital the Labour party start to take seriously the question of the monarchy, Crown powers and of course demands for historic justice and reparations."

"I'm pleased to be able to take part in this event, and I hope Labour members will begin to raise this issue with their MPs and constituency parties."

"Support for the monarchy is falling, and it may well drop below 50% on Starmer's watch. So now is the time to be pushing this issue throughout the Labour party as well as across the political spectrum."

The meeting on "Slavery, Colonialism and the Monarchy: How will Labour respond to demands for justice?" will be held on Monday 9th October in the Liverpool Quaker Meeting House starting at 7.00 pm.


  • Professor Adi was the first person of African descent to become a Professor of History in the UK and is an expert in the history of Africa and the African diaspora.
  • Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Afrikan Reparations.
  • Graham Smith is CEO of anti-monarchy group Republic.