Take Action for Republic this General Election

Why are we taking action?

The core strategy of Republic is to shift public opinion enough that politicians hold a referendum on abolishing the monarchy. With a significant turnover of MPs and a change in government likely, identifying potential political allies to support the aims and objectives of Republic will be vital to help us succeed. The Republic Protest and Activism Team have put together this toolkit to help you take part in actions to support this over the general election period.

Activists unveil polling station sign at Palace in protest over coronation  | The Independent

What can I do?

1. Establish who your local parliamentary candidates (PPCs) are for your constituency using the website Who Can I Vote For?.

2. When you open the website, type your postcode into the candidate finder.

3. You will then be presented with a list of PPCs in your constituency.

4. Click on a PPC to access details about them, including their contact details and email address.

5. If no email address is provided, you may wish to contact them by other means including:

Send them a direct message on social media (eg. Twitter).

- Send them a letter in the post.

- Attend a local hustings to ask questions of the candidates.

6. Use our Email Template (see below) to send them an email asking for their views on:

FOI reform.

- Replacing the Monarchy with a Republic.

Email Template


As few as 45% of the public supporting the monarchy according to a YouGov poll earlier this year, compared to a third now supporting an elected head of state. It seems clear that the debate about the future of our democracy is going to get louder, in parliament and around the country.

That debate is not helped by the royal household being completely exempt from the Freedom of Information Act 2005. Surely our head of state and the whole royal household should be covered by the same laws as every other public body. We should know if the royals are trying to influence the government, and we should know what they're spending our money on and why.

As a possible future constituent of yours, I'm asking whether you will support reform to the Freedom of Information Act so that it covers official records of the royal household. And I’d like to know if you agree with me that it’s time to abolish the monarchy and replace it with an elected head of state.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to this email. I look forward to hearing your response soon.

Yours Sincerely,


7. When you receive a response from your local PPC, email it to [email protected] with the subject line “Republic General Election”.

8. This will then be stored in our database, which we will use after the election results to identify and lobby political allies.

Digital Action Evening – 17th June, 7 - 8:30pm

Republic will be holding a Digital Action Evening on the 17th June 7:00pm - 8:30pm.

Join us as we take action together! You’ll also find out more about the context of this action and how we will use these responses to help us with political lobbying. There'll be space for asking questions and getting support.