At this time the board are looking to co-opt people with experience of serving on a board in the non-profit or public sector, or who have professional campaigns experience.
Diversity: Co-option decisions will be based on merit, however we are very keen to encourage more women, LGBT and black and Asian applicants so we can continue to ensure diversity within the team.
Deadline for nominations is 5pm on Friday February 7.
If shortlisted you will need to attend a board recruitment session on Saturday February 22nd. This will be in central London.
The next board meeting is Saturday April 26.
"By nominating myself for co-option to Republic's board, I confirm the following:
- I have read and understood the information about the role of a director, provided below.
- I am a fully paid up member of Republic.
- I understand that if co-opted I will become a company director.
- I am willing and able to attend four board meetings a year. "
To apply you must read this page and then complete the form.
Please read the email you receive after completing the form, which will include instructions for sending us more information about yourself.
If you are thinking "I want to get involved" then please do look at local and volunteer opportunities on the site and carefully read the information below before deciding if the role of director is for you.
The board plays a vital role within the organisation and so it's important you are fully aware of the nature of the commitment and the role you'll be asked to play should you be elected.
Please be aware that directors do not play a role in the day-to-day running of the campaign. If you're interested in getting more directly involved as a volunteer please email [email protected].
You must read the following information before completing the nomination form.
You are also advised to have a chat about the role with our chief executive officer before applying. You can call Graham Smith on 07747 608 770.
One third of serving directors are required to stand down at the time of each AGM. They may choose to stand for re-election if still eligible. Vacancies will be open for co-option.
Formally these are co-options to the Executive Committee (EC) of Republic Campaign Association - the membership arm of Republic. All members of the EC are appointed as directors of Republic Campaign Ltd.
If you are co-opted you will become a director of a limited company and your details will be registered with Companies House.
What is the role of the board?
The board is the executive body of Republic which deals with strategy, finances and monitoring of campaign progress. The board receives reports and proposals from the CEO, discusses and decides overall strategy and direction and takes responsibility for good governance and financial management.
The board does not take tactical or operational decisions, which are delegated to Republic's staff.
What does a director do?
The role of director carries various responsibilities, including legal responsibilities under companies law.
Broadly speaking a director's role is to attend board meetings, read reports and proposals and to apply their judgement to any decisions that need to be made. Directors are also expected to attend Republic's national events and offer support to the CEO where appropriate. Directors aren't involved in the running of the campaign unless recruited separately as volunteers in one of our campaign teams.
Directors are expected to attend all board meetings in person. There are four meetings each year, held on Saturday afternoons in London.
Absence from three out of four consecutive meetings results in automatic termination of a director's position.
Formal duties of a director
- Ensure the board is effective in meeting its responsibilities;
- Ensure Republic complies with its governing documents - principally our Articles of Association and Constitution;
- Ensure that Republic pursues its objectives as defined in its governing documents;
- Ensure Republic applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives;
- Contribute actively to the Board's role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets;
- Safeguard the good name and values of the organisation;
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation;
- Ensure the financial stability of the organisation;
- Protect and manage the property of the organisation and to ensure the proper investment of the organisation's funds.
And the duties of the board
- Set Republic’s strategy in line with the agreed mission;
- Monitor progress by receiving reports and assessing those reports against the agreed strategy;
- Ensure good financial management and effective governance of the organisation;
- Make policy on matters relating to strategy, finances and governance;
As well as the various statutory duties, any director should make full use of any specific skills, knowledge or experience to help the board make good decisions.
Upon appointment each director is required to sign a Companies House appointment form, a contract and a code of conduct which completes the formal appointment and commits the director to their role and responsibilities.
What skills and experience are useful for a successful board?
At this time the board are looking for people with experience of serving on a board in the non-profit or public sector, or who have professional campaigns experience.
Republic is a democratic organisation and any member is entitled to nominate for co-option.
However, experience, skills and expertise in non-profit governance, particularly at board or executive level, are particularly useful. Professional campaigns experience is also useful.
The Board of Directors are jointly and severally responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation, its financial health, the probity of its activities and developing the organisation's aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing documents, legal and regulatory guidelines.
All directors should also be aware of, and understand, their individual and collective responsibilities, and should not be overly reliant on one or more individual directors in any particular aspect of the governance of the organisation.
The following is a useful guide to the kinds of experience and skills that can be useful in a director and may help you decide if you wish to nominate:
- Successful experience of operating within a board in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation;
- Demonstrable experience of building and sustaining relationships with key stakeholders and colleagues to achieve organisational objectives;
- A proven track record of sound judgement and effective decision making;
- A history of impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences;
- A track record of commitment to promoting equality and diversity;
- At the moment the board is particularly keen to see new directors with experience in campaigning or governance.
Knowledge, skills and understanding:
- Commitment to the organisation and a willingness to devote the necessary time and effort;
- Preparedness to make unpopular recommendations to the board, and a willingness to speak their mind;
- Willingness to be available to staff for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis;
- Good, independent judgement and strategic vision;
- An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship;
- An ability to work effectively as a member of a team;
- An understanding of the respective roles of the Chair, directors and Chief Executive.
Board diversity
A lack of diversity is common in the non-profit sector, and it's something Republic is always keen to address. While elections are open to everyone, and co-option decisions will be based on merit, we are very keen to encourage more women, LGBT and black and Asian applicants. Read Republic's diversity statement for more information.
Complete the form. You will then receive an email with instructions on sending further information about yourself.